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Al-Masjid(The Mosque)

A mosque is a place in which Muslims offers their prayer to Allah. The Arabic word for mosque is masjid.

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When it is time for salah , the mu’adh-dhin calls out the adhan from the masjid . The adhan is a call for prayer. Some mosques are small . Some mosques are very big. If you go to a big mosque, you will find several water taps in one place. These water taps are for Muslims to make wudhu before starting to pray .

Everybody should enter the mosque with the right foot first, saying:

Meaning: In the name of Allah and prayers and peace be upon Allah’s Messenger. 0 Allah, open the gates of Your mercy for me.

Everybody should take off your shoes or sandals and leave them at the entrance to the mosque. Mosques today have racks in them for shoes. In the prayer hall , there is a niche, called the mihraab. The mihraab shows the direction of the qiblah.
The qiblah is the direction towards which we pray. The mihraab shows us where the qiblah is so we may face it when praying.


The mosque should be kept clean. Before going to the mosque, you must make sure that your body and clothes are clean and that they do not smell bad. The mosque is a place of worship.

After salah, leave the mosque with the left foot first, saying :

Meaning: In the name of Allah and prayers and peace be upon Allah’s Messenger. 0 Allah, I ask you of Your bounty.
hagia sophia, istanbul, mosque-6786611.jpg

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