Z_A_S 24

The Quran and OCEANOLOGY: Compatible or Incompatible?
BARRIER BETWEEN SWEET AND SALT WATERS Consider the following Qur’aanic verses:“He has let free the two bodies Of flowing water, Meeting together: Between them is...

The Quran and geology: Compatible or Incompatible?
MOUNTAINS ARE LIKE PEGS (STAKES) In Geology, the phenomenon of ‘folding’ is a recently discovered fact. Folding is responsible for the formation of mountain ranges....

The Quran and GEOGRAPHY: Compatible or Incompatible?
THE WATER CYCLE In 1580, Bernard Palissy was the first man to describe the present day concept of ‘water cycle’. He described how water evaporates...

The Quran and BOTANY: Compatible or Incompatible?
PLANTS CREATED IN PAIRS, MALE AND FEMALE Previously humans did not know that plants too have male and female gender distinctions. Botany states that every...

The Messengers of Allah
Normally Allah does not speak to man directly. He does not tell each one of us separately to do this and not to do that.Allah’s...

The Quran and PHYSICS: Compatible or Incompatible?
THE EXISTENCE OF SUBATOMIC PARTICLES In ancient times a well-known theory by the name of ‘Theory of Atomism’ was widely accepted. This theory was originally...

Al-Masjid(The Mosque)
A mosque is a place in which Muslims offers their prayer to Allah. The Arabic word for mosque is masjid. When it is time for...

The Quran and GENERAL SCIENCE: Compatible or Incompatible?
FINGERPRINTS “Does man think that We Cannot assemble his bones? Nay, We are able to put Together in perfect order The very tips of his...

The Quran and PHYSIOLOGY: Compatible or Incompatible?
BLOOD CIRCULATION AND THE PRODUCTION OF MILK The Qur’aan was revealed 600 years before the Muslim scientist Ibn Nafees described the circulation of the blood...

The Quran and MEDICINE: Compatible or Incompatible?
The bee assimilates juices of various kinds of flowers and fruit and forms within its body the honey, which it stores in its cells of...