Z_A_S 24

The second pillar of Islam is salah. A Muslim must offer five fard prayers a day. Fard is an Arabic word which means compulsory. The...

Etiquette of Sleeping
Before going to bed shake out your blanket. Cup your hands together, blow gently into them and then recite Surat al-lkhlaas, Surat ai-Falaq and Surat...

Etiquette of Going out
When you leave your home, say this prayer: Then walk with ease.Do not walk too fast or too slowly. When Allah’s Messenger ( pbuh )...

Etiquette of Using the Toilet
lstinjaa is an Arabic word. It means purification . If you purify something, you make it clean by removing every dirty and harmful thing from...

Etiquette of Eating and Drinking
Food and drink are great gifts from Allah . Wash your hands properly before eating. Come to the table in clean clothes. Sit straight at...

Kindness to Parents
After being obedient to Allah and the Messenger of Allah (swt), a Muslim must be obedient to his parents. He should be polite and helpful...

How can you prove the existence of hereafter-life after death? Belief in the hereafter is not based on blind faith Many people wonder as to...

The meaning of JIHAAD
One of the greatest misconceptions about Islam, not only amongst the non-Muslims but even amongst the Muslims, is concerning the concept of Jihaad. Non-Muslim as...

When all the Muslim follow one and the same Qur’an then why are there so many sects among Muslims ? Muslims should be united It...

The Quran and ZOOLOGY: Compatible or Incompatible?
ANIMALS AND BIRDS LIVE IN COMMUNITIES “There is not an animal (That lives) on the earth, Nor a being that flies On its wings, but...