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Etiquette in Islam

Etiquette of Using the Toilet
Etiquette of Eating and Drinking
Etiquette of Going out
Etiquette of Sleeping
Teachings of Luqman to his son

Etiquette of Sleeping

Before going to bed shake out your blanket. Cup your hands together, blow gently into them and then recite Surat al-lkhlaas, Surat ai-Falaq and Surat an-Naas. Then wipe your hands over your body as far as you can reach, starting with your head. Do this three times, as the Prophet Muhammad ( pbuh ) used

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Kindness to Parents

After being obedient to Allah and the Messenger of Allah (swt), a Muslim must be obedient to his parents. He should be polite and helpful to them. He should avoid doing things that will irritate them and try to be kind to them. A Muslim should obey his parents and do things they tell him

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